

Derek Burns: Charting a path of success in the security industry

February 5, 2024

Derek Burns has successfully overcome many challenges in the security industry, known for his rapid rise through the ranks and his ability to lead with vision and purpose. With a career spanning various roles and regions, Burns has consistently demonstrated a willingness to embrace new challenges and a keen understanding of what it takes to excel in this dynamic field.

Burns' journey began with a bold decision to leave a lucrative construction job at the age of 22 in pursuit of a career in security. Armed with a background in police fundamentals, he sought to build essential competencies such as report writing, conflict resolution, and de-escalation techniques. Starting as a guard and mobile supervisor, he quickly transitioned into management roles, showcasing his adaptability and drive.

His career trajectory took unexpected turns, with each new opportunity presenting itself as a chance for growth and learning. From managing a regional branch in Windsor to exploring sales and eventually becoming a regional director, Burns embraced each challenge with determination. His success can be attributed to a mix of business acumen, industry knowledge, people skills, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

Currently, he is embarking on a new chapter in his career as he takes on a leadership role in British Columbia, a move motivated by both personal and professional factors.

In his new role, Burns aims to leverage his past experiences to drive continued success in the Pacific Northwest. He understands the importance of aligning regional operations with the broader organizational vision and values. His goal is to foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, where every team member is aligned with the organizational goals and understands their role in achieving them. Burns believes that creativity plays a crucial role in the security industry, and he is committed to bringing a fresh perspective to his new role.

One of Burns' key strengths is his ability to understand and adapt to different regional cultures and operational challenges. Having worked in various regions across Ontario, he has learned the value of understanding local dynamics and tailoring strategies accordingly. He plans to apply this knowledge to his new role, where he faces the challenge of navigating a different legislative landscape and labor market.

As he takes on this new challenge, he remains focused on building strong relationships with his team and stakeholders. He believes in leading by example and empowering his team members to take ownership of their responsibilities. His ultimate measure of success is not just achieving targets but also creating an environment where everyone feels motivated and valued.

In conclusion, Derek Burns' career is a testament to the adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. His journey from a young professional seeking new opportunities to a seasoned leader taking on new challenges is an inspiration to many in the security industry. As he embarks on this new chapter in British Columbia, one can only expect that his innovative approach and leadership will continue to set new standards of success.