

Higher Education: How to Better Protect Students, Faculty and Staff at Universities and Colleges

March 31, 2023

Protecting students, faculty and staff at higher education facilities can pose specific security challenges, with large gatherings and sporting events, to open and dynamic spaces with several entry points—and often little access control.

But new solutions like Hybrid Security can provide amplified protection for university and college campuses to better address these sector-specific safety concerns. Let’s take a closer look.

What are the biggest security challenges for higher education safety?

  • Student, faculty and staff safety during school hours.
  • Student, faculty and staff safety during large gatherings are especially difficult to secure (sporting events, parades, graduations, etc.).
  • Most higher education campuses are not a closed environment; they are, for the most part, open and dynamic making it very difficult to manage access control across a large span of geography.
  • Lack of visibility despite blue light cameras/offices patrolling.

How Hybrid Security can help:

  1. Hybrid Security provides a larger span of visibility across large geographical areas by combining the skill of manned patrols and security professionals with AI-powered eyes-everywhere technology to provide intelligent motion detection featured designed to detect suspicious behaviour and provide real-time alerts for rapid response times.
  2. As part of a Hybrid Security solution, specialized technology such as the Virtual Gate Guard platform can be implemented at main access points of the campus to provide enhanced security across the school’s various entry points, including dorms and education buildings.
  3. With the temporary nature of campus events requiring security to be mobile and dynamic, Hybrid Security enables the existing physical security staff to cover large areas in real-time through the support of technology, remote monitoring and specialized security equipment that can easily adapt to support the unique needs of higher education events. 


Contact us today to find out how Hybrid Security can empower your business.